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AbstractObjectStringFormatter - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter
Abstract base class for implementing your own ObjectStringFormatters.
AbstractObjectStringFormatter() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.AbstractObjectStringFormatter
Creates a formatter configured with the default formatting parameters.
AbstractObjectStringFormatter(FormatGrouped) - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.AbstractObjectStringFormatter
Creates a formatter with the given formatting parameters.
addFieldValue(String, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.GroupedValuesInfo.Builder
Add a field value to the grouped values info.
addFieldValueTo(GroupedValuesInfo.Builder, PropertyInfo, Object) - Method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations.FormattedInclude
Implements the behavior how the field value should be added based on the value of this enum.
AnnotationsExample - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.annotated
AnnotationsExample() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.annotated.AnnotationsExample
appendSingleValue(StringBuilder, ValueInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.AbstractObjectStringFormatter
The abstract formatter calls this method for every value that should be added to the result.
appendSingleValue(StringBuilder, ValueInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter
appendSingleValue(StringBuilder, ValueInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.JsonObjectStringFormatter
appendSingleValue(StringBuilder, ValueInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.SimpleFormatter


Builder() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.GroupedValuesInfo.Builder
buildGroupedValuesInfo() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.GroupedValuesInfo.Builder
Build the grouped values info from the information provided before calling this method.


ClassInfo - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo
Type information about one of the super classes of an object.
classInfos() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.TypeInfo
Get all ClassInfos for property information grouped by declaring class.
compileToStringInfo(TypeInfo, Object) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ObjectValuesCompiler
ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter
ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, FormatGrouped, DisplayClassName) - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter
configurationFor(Class<?>, Function<Formatted, T>, T) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.TypeInfoCache
Get a certain configuration for a type, based on it's Formatted annotation value.
configureGenerator(FormattedStringGenerator) - Static method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.ObjectFormatter
Configure the FormattedStringGenerator to use when formatting objects.


DisplayClassName - Enum in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter
Enum to configure when to output the class name to the formatted string.


endFormattedString(StringBuilder, ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.AbstractObjectStringFormatter
The abstract formatter calls this method after it is finished with processing (Override to define the end of the formatted string).
endFormattedString(StringBuilder, ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter
endFormattedString(StringBuilder, ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.JsonObjectStringFormatter
endFormattedString(StringBuilder, ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.SimpleFormatter
endValueGroup(StringBuilder) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.AbstractObjectStringFormatter
The abstract formatter calls this method after processing any value group (When value grouping is enabled; Override to define the start of a value group in the formatted string).
endValueGroup(StringBuilder) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter
endValueGroup(StringBuilder) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.JsonObjectStringFormatter
equals(Object) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ValueInfo


fieldInfos() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.ClassInfo
Get information about all the relevant fields of the class returned from ClassInfo.getClazz().
format(Object) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.FormattedStringGenerator
Creates a formatted String representation of an object.
format(ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.AbstractObjectStringFormatter
Processes all the information in the ObjectValuesInfo and calls protected methods to do the actual formatting.
format(ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in interface net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.ObjectStringFormatter
Converts an ObjectValuesInfo into a formatted string.
format(Object) - Static method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.ObjectFormatter
Format an object with the globally configured FormattedStringGenerator.
FormatGrouped - Enum in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter
Configuration whether the formatter should format the values in groups.
Formatted - Annotation Type in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations
Annotation that indicates how a class or a transitive object should be formatted.
FormattedField - Annotation Type in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations
Annotation that indicates if a field should be included in the formatted string (when formatting the object directly or transitively via another object).
FormattedFieldType - Enum in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations
With FormattedFieldType, you can configure when a field is included in the formatted output using the FormattedField annotation.
FormattedInclude - Enum in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations
With FormattedInclude, you can configure which types of fields (all, annotated or none) to include in the formatted output using the Formatted annotation.
FormattedStringGenerator - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter
Generates a formatted string from an object (together with it's metadata).
FormattedStringGenerator() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.FormattedStringGenerator
Creates a new FormattedStringGenerator that uses a SimpleFormatter to format the string.
FormattedStringGenerator(ObjectStringFormatter) - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.FormattedStringGenerator
Creates a new FormattedStringGenerator with a given ObjectStringFormatter.
FormattersExample - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.formatters
FormattersExample() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.formatters.FormattersExample


getAllValues() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ObjectValuesInfo
Get all values of the object's properties.
getClazz() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.ClassInfo
Get the class about which this objects stores type information.
getFormattedInclude() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.TypeInfo
Get the formatting configuration of the type.
getGroupName() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.GroupedValuesInfo
Get the name of the group.
getGroupsSeparator() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.AbstractObjectStringFormatter
Get the separator that the formatter will print between two value groups.
getIncludeField() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.PropertyInfo
Get the include configuration of the property.
getIncludeFieldInTransitive() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.PropertyInfo
Get the transitive include configuration of the property.
getName() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.PropertyInfo
Get the name of the property.
getPropertyName() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ValueInfo
Get the name of the property.
getPropertyType() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ValueInfo
Get the type of the property.
getPropertyValue(Object) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.PropertyInfo
Get the value of the property.
getTransitiveInclude() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.TypeInfo
Get the transitive include configuration of the type.
getTransitiveIncludeOfTarget() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.PropertyInfo
Get the transitive include configuration of the target object referenced by the property.
getType() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.PropertyInfo
Get the type of the property.
getType() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ObjectValuesInfo
Get the type of the object to format.
getValue() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ValueInfo
Get the value of the property.
getValues() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.GroupedValuesInfo
Get all values of the group as ValueInfo.
getValuesByClass() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ObjectValuesInfo
Get all values of the object's properties, grouped by their declaring class.
getValueSeparator() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.AbstractObjectStringFormatter
Get the separator that the formatter will print between two values.
getValueSeparator() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter
GROUPED_CURLY_BRACED_OUTPUT_WITH_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter
GroupedValuesInfo - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo
Information about the values of an object, grouped e.g.
GroupedValuesInfo.Builder - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo
A builder to create GroupedValuesInfo objects.


hashCode() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ValueInfo


JsonObjectStringFormatter - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter
A formatter that formates objects using a JSON-like syntax.
JsonObjectStringFormatter() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.JsonObjectStringFormatter
Creates a new JsonObjectStringFormatter with the default configuration.
JsonObjectStringFormatter(FormatGrouped) - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.JsonObjectStringFormatter
Creates a new JsonObjectStringFormatter with a given grouping configuration, leaving DisplayClassName at the default configuration.
JsonObjectStringFormatter(FormatGrouped, DisplayClassName) - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.JsonObjectStringFormatter
Creates a new JsonObjectStringFormatter with a given grouping configuration and display-class-name configuration.


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.annotated.AnnotationsExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.formatters.FormattersExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.simple.SimpleExample


net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter - package net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter
net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations - package net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations
net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.annotated - package net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.annotated
net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.formatters - package net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.formatters
net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.simple - package net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.simple
net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter - package net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter
net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo - package net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo
net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo - package net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo


ObjectFormatter - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter
Static helper for formatting objects, with a global configuration.
ObjectFormatter() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.ObjectFormatter
ObjectStringFormatter - Interface in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter
Converts an ObjectValuesInfo into a formatted string.
ObjectValuesCompiler - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo
ObjectValuesCompiler Adds value entry for every class info. Adds values for all fields to class value info. Abbreviates transitive object_ when transitivity is not allowed. Includes transitive object fully_ when transitivity is set to always. Includes annotated transitive values_ when transitivity is set to annotated. Includes annotated transitive values_ when transitivity is set to annotated_ by containing class only. String does not contain any fields_ when class is annotated as formatted annotated_ but has no annotated fields. String contains all fields_ when class is annotated as formatted all. String contains annotated fields_ when class is annotated as formatted annotated_ and has annotated fields.
ObjectValuesCompiler() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ObjectValuesCompiler
ObjectValuesCompiler(TypeInfoCache) - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ObjectValuesCompiler
ObjectValuesInfo - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo
Contains all values of a given object that should be formatted.


PropertyInfo - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo
Type information about a property of an object.


setClassName(String) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.GroupedValuesInfo.Builder
Set the class name for the grouped values info.
SimpleExample - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.simple
SimpleExample() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.examples.simple.SimpleExample
SimpleFormatter - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter
A formatter that is not configurable and has a very simple output - Used as default formatter when no other formatter is configured.
SimpleFormatter() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.SimpleFormatter
startFormattedString(StringBuilder, ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.AbstractObjectStringFormatter
The abstract formatter calls this method before it does any processing (Override to define the start of the formatted string).
startFormattedString(StringBuilder, ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter
startFormattedString(StringBuilder, ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.JsonObjectStringFormatter
startFormattedString(StringBuilder, ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.SimpleFormatter
startValueGroup(StringBuilder, GroupedValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.AbstractObjectStringFormatter
The abstract formatter calls this method before processing any value group (When value grouping is enabled; Override to define the start of a value group in the formatted string).
startValueGroup(StringBuilder, GroupedValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter
startValueGroup(StringBuilder, GroupedValuesInfo) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.JsonObjectStringFormatter


toString() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.ClassInfo
toString() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.PropertyInfo
toString() - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ValueInfo
transitiveFieldValue(Object, boolean, ObjectValuesInfo) - Method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations.TransitiveInclude
Get the transitive field value (already formatted) of the field based on the value of this enum.
TransitiveInclude - Enum in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations
With TransitiveInclude, you can configure which types of fields (all, annotated or none) to include in the formatted output using the Formatted annotation.
TypeInfo - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo
Type information about a class that can be formatted as string.
TypeInfoCache - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo
Creates and caches information about types (classes) so that the later stages of processing can use this information.
TypeInfoCache() - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.TypeInfoCache
Create a new TypeInfoCache with a default FieldsFilter.
typeInfoFor(Class<?>) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.TypeInfoCache
Get the type info for a certain type (from the cache if available).
typeInfoFor(Class<?>, TransitiveInclude) - Method in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.typeinfo.TypeInfoCache
Get the type info for a certain type with a different include configuration(from the cache if available).


UNGROUPED_CURLY_BRACED_OUTPUT_WITH_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.ConfigurableObjectStringFormatter


ValueInfo - Class in net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo
Information about a single property value.
ValueInfo(String, Object, Class<?>) - Constructor for class net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.valuesinfo.ValueInfo
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations.FormattedFieldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations.FormattedInclude
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations.TransitiveInclude
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.DisplayClassName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.FormatGrouped
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations.FormattedFieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations.FormattedInclude
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.annotations.TransitiveInclude
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.DisplayClassName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.davidtanzer.jobjectformatter.formatter.FormatGrouped
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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